I live nearby and want to convey my concerns about 1617 U Street to the DC Zoning Commission

This Monday, June 26, 2023, you will have a chance to propel your concerns, ideas, and alternatives to the DC Zoning Commission about the Mayor’s push to blow up 2-acres of public land with more intense density and luxury condos at 1617 U Street.

Another mock up of height and density possibilities with MU10, this time with a courtyard.
Another mock up of height and density possibilities with MU10, this time with a courtyard.

Even if there’s a chance you can’t testify on Monday, June 26th, you can sign up to testify (to preserve the option) and the Zoning Commission will tally you as opposing the proposed high-density re-zoning. Your virtual testimony has a real impact on the decision-makers (click here to see who you will speaking before).

Certainly, everyone can submit written testimony.

Please use and share the easy to use form below to send in written comments to the public record and to also sign-up to virtually testify on June 26 and be tallied in opposition.